Eagle Run

How to Donate??

All Donations are tax deductible as Edison PTA is a 5013c

Video on how to set up students personalized Eagle Run Page: 

Where do the donations for Eagle Run go????

The Eagle Run fundraiser raises money for a fundamental cause at Edison, Paraprofessionals in the school!!! Paraprofessionals play a valuable role in elementary school classrooms by providing additional support to teachers and students. They assist in various ways to enhance the learning environment and help ensure that all students receive the attention and guidance they need. Here's how paraprofessionals help in the elementary classroom:

Overall, paraprofessionals bring valuable skills and support to elementary classrooms, helping to create a more inclusive, engaging, and effective learning environment for all students.

This is one of the biggest fundraisers we do at Edison. All the money raised from Eagle Run goes directly to the Para Champaign. We would love to raid $80,000+! Which is about $160 per student.  You can donate to a student for each lap they run or just a general donation.   You will see more information about Eagle Run in the coming weeks.

What is the Eagle Run??

Eagle Run is where the students at Edison run around the Edison field as many times as they can! 

The students have been working on this during their PE with Coach Auday! 

It helps the students build their stamina, helps them get some healthy exercise, and works their vital organs (heart and lungs). 

Click on the video below to learn more:

Who are Edisons 24-25 Para's?